Health Insurance

Individual Medical, Travel, International Student and Trip Protector Insurance

Individual health insurance options are for those not covered by an employer, are self-employed with no payrolled employees, and those who would like to compare the cost to COBRA as they are transitioning between jobs.

Individual coverage is guaranteed issue except under a few circumstances.  Those instances would be called a Special Enrollment Period.  With the Affordable Care Act, open enrollment commences November 1st of each year and goes through January 31st. You generally must enroll by the 15th to have coverage begin the first of the following month with a few exceptions.

An important fact to know,  the direct plans (direct through broker/carrier) versus Covered California are generally the same plans also known as mirrored plans – with the biggest difference being eligibility for a subsidy.  One of the first steps we go through is determining if you would qualify for a subsidy through Covered California.  We then know which pathway we are choosing to enroll you in for health coverage.

We work with the major carriers that are in your specific county that have good ratings/networks.

For travel insurance, this link will take you directly to receive a quote and options.

Medical Coverage for Businesses

Medical coverage is available down to group sizes of two for businesses as long as you meet the requirements for a group, the business can not be declined for coverage. There are many plan offerings available and rates are the same from agent to agent. Rates are based on the rate area and size of the group, not on the agency that quotes your coverage. Small group medical packages available include health, dental, life, vision, short-term and long-term disability and long term care. Please feel free to contact us at 805-898-2770. We would be happy to assist you!